August – 2024
Wastewater company
We live in a world where water should not be taken for granted. Fortunately, companies like WTR are making a difference. WTR is a sustainable wastewater treatment company providing innovative, cost-effective, and fully automated end-to-end solutions.
Visual identity
Adam Cisár, Paulína Kvaššayová
Verbal identity
Aneta Marcely
Photo production
Simona Princová
Video production
Andrej Šiška
Case study design
Paulína Kvaššayová

We started by naming their revolutionary patent WTR Superorganism. Why Superorganism? Because the system is made up of three components—biology, automation, and a unique plant design—that only work together to deliver the desired result.

In the visual identity, we refreshed the standard blue color with a bold orange to highlight key details. We introduced motion into the logo and created a 3D visual of the wastewater system.

Although WTR has revolutionary technology, it’s the people who stand behind the brand. Therefore, we produced a brand photoshoot and videoproduction. The entire communication is complemented by photos and videos of nature, emphasizing the positive impact the brand has on the environment.

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